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A Response by David Isick
To whom it may concern: My name is David Isaac I'm also known as David Isick as a stage name, I have three published songs as a lyricist...

Best math rock releases of 2024
Rustycore - oregon - ukrainian American Midwest math emo Ben quad Oklahoma...

Dilettante - Life And Times
Wisconsin's finest instrumental math rock band Dilettante. branches out into the realm of post rock with new song "Life And Times." A...

I am celebrating my b day with a concert @ lilo's place on August 24th 2024 Address: UCO sidelines grill 100 n university ave Edmond, OK...

Technical Rifficulties - Episode 1
The Math Rock Times Podcast episode one Matthew Chan talks with David Isick about The Mars Volta's members side projects. in the second...

Best Math Rock Albums of 2023
Tiny Voices- Make up your place Good game - Get good...

Rob Ingram - Interview
TMRX I've seen people say they'd followed your story since the begining and send heartfelt regards; which has always had me curious to...

Find Yourself - HYPHA - Gentlemen Surfer - Concert Preview
Date: August 25th Location: 6391 Capitol ave in Diamond Springs, California Find Yourself is a band from Placerville, California....

Rob Ingram - The Medicine
Track Premier + Review "The Medicine" is a track made by someone who clearly listens to everything. On this song Rob Ingram is giving us...

Trampa Para Hadas (Fairy Trap) - Interview + New Track Premier
Trampa Para Hadas - (Eng: Trap For Fairies) Is a fairly recently formed band from Mazatlan, Mexico whose energetic sound brings to...

Pool Kids - self titled
The cover of Pool Kids’ self-titled release (2022) provides an enigmatic introduction to the work. Possibly, a window into a...

Dilettante - Fields Of - Exclusive Premier
The song “Twin Bridges” illustrates this band best as it brings a midwestern emo vibe that's faster than the normal bpm of their peers...

maebe - Rebirth. Relive. Repeat.
first track has been release off this bristol uk proggy math outfit's lp. fyi- alpha male tea party with better rhythms and sweep picking...

Haisuinonasa - Henseiki vs Benny Greb Grebcestra - What's the deal?
benny greb seven four time signature acapella djent piece has such a strong similarity to haisuinonasa song henseiki section which starts...

Ichika Nito
With over two million Youtube sbscribers Ichika Nito drops a new cut, The World Is Still Beautiful, which envelopes the listner in a...
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