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Let's Swim, Get Swimming - Copper Shops and Train Drivers - Interview
Brighton, England's premier two piece math rock duo Let's Swim Get Swimming have just released a new 2 song EP and it's FIRE! Track 1...

Lore of The Woodman - Leave Everything Aside Now
England's 3 piece band Lore of The Woodman return with a full length album entitled "Leave Everything Aside Now." Listen to 2 tracks...

Delta Sleep - Ghost City Rarities
Stream and Review England's most sought after Math Rock band Delta Sleep has just released a rarities EP cut from their most recent...

TTNG - Photo Gallery - Dallas June 4th
The venue was Club Dada. I arrived before the doors opened and a line was already starting to wrap around the building. Once the Kraken...

General Admin - Torpor!
New EP Premier + Interview London, England's up and comers General Admin have just released their first EP entitled "Torpor!" This album...

TTNG - Aardvark
New Single Premier England's most renowned math rock band TTNG (formerly "This Town Needs Guns") have just released the new single...
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