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Best Math Rock Albums of 2023
Tiny Voices- Make up your place Good game - Get good...

Dilettante - Fields Of - Exclusive Premier
The song “Twin Bridges” illustrates this band best as it brings a midwestern emo vibe that's faster than the normal bpm of their peers...

This genre-creating, hyper-pop debut album Gold Neckace is by the American progressive rock duo Gold Necklace that consists of musicians...

Let's Swim, Get Swimming - Copper Shops and Train Drivers - Interview
Brighton, England's premier two piece math rock duo Let's Swim Get Swimming have just released a new 2 song EP and it's FIRE! Track 1...

Matthew Parrish of Piglet Interview
Interview with Matthew Parrish drummer of the band piglet

North End - Alpha State
North End - “Alpha State” The new album “Alpha State” by the now long distance PA/CO collaboration band “North End” is complete with...

Let's Swim, Get Swimming - Pepe Smooth
New Video Single Premier! Beginning with a twinkling picked guitar riff against stop/start drumming, I can already feel the stars...

Flodhäst - Unos Dias en la Tierra
Puebla City, Mexico's Flodhäst deliver a stunning new post rock album. Track 2 "Donde Nacen Los Rios" is my favorite song on the album...

Glomus - Circle
Glomus is a 3 piece instrumental rock band from Cookeville, TN. Combining elements of progressive rock, post rock and math rock, Glomus...

Let's Swim, Get Swimming - "Rosjenkins" New Video Premier
new instrumental math rock from England's Let's Swim, Get Swimming

X Suns Review and Interview
X Suns (Pronounced "Ten Suns") is an instrumental "space rock" band from Seattle, WA. In their newest two song 7 inch X Suns flawlessly...
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