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Dilettante - Fields Of - Exclusive Premier
The song “Twin Bridges” illustrates this band best as it brings a midwestern emo vibe that's faster than the normal bpm of their peers...

Let's Swim, Get Swimming - Copper Shops and Train Drivers - Interview
Brighton, England's premier two piece math rock duo Let's Swim Get Swimming have just released a new 2 song EP and it's FIRE! Track 1...

North End - Halted
- NEW ALBUM PREMIER - Halted brings a fresh new batch of the tried and true unique brand of math rock I have come to love hearing from...

God vs Gods vs Giants vs Reptiles
- EXCLUSIVE TRACK STREAM - "Lord Gecko Schmecko" God vs Gods vs Giants vs Reptiles. (gvgvgvr) For starters what a band name! The name of...

Lore of The Woodman - Leave Everything Aside Now
England's 3 piece band Lore of The Woodman return with a full length album entitled "Leave Everything Aside Now." Listen to 2 tracks...

Covet - Acoustics
- New EP Premier - Covet has always been an important band for me because the guitarist Yvette Young is one of the two people who helped...
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