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Dilettante - Fields Of - Exclusive Premier
The song “Twin Bridges” illustrates this band best as it brings a midwestern emo vibe that's faster than the normal bpm of their peers...

This genre-creating, hyper-pop debut album Gold Neckace is by the American progressive rock duo Gold Necklace that consists of musicians...

Crisp Johnson - Overview
Busan, South Korea has created one of the deepest japanese math rock midswestern pop records around. Utilizing not just odd groupings but...

Let's Swim, Get Swimming - Copper Shops and Train Drivers - Interview
Brighton, England's premier two piece math rock duo Let's Swim Get Swimming have just released a new 2 song EP and it's FIRE! Track 1...

Stage Kids - Recess
- Exclusive Premier - STAGE KIDS - RECESS "Recess" Stage Kids first new release since 2016's "Intra Mental" is released today. Stage Kids...

Covet - Acoustics
- New EP Premier - Covet has always been an important band for me because the guitarist Yvette Young is one of the two people who helped...

General Admin - Torpor!
New EP Premier + Interview London, England's up and comers General Admin have just released their first EP entitled "Torpor!" This album...

Le Grand - Plastic Jazz EP
Review & Stream Kansas City's best instrumental 4-piece band "Le Grand" bursts onto the scene today with much anticipation as this marks...

Black Dirty - Paw Paw
Exclusive Song Premier - "Silver Fin" Phillidelphia's renowed 3-piece math rock band “Black Dirty” unveil a new track exclusively on The...

Gene Wildest - Future Flowers
Exclusive Premier - Philadelphia, PA's Gene Wildest reveal their new record "Future Flowers" - Hear Three New Songs Now Only On The Math...

Old News - Quarter Life Crisis
Exclusive Song Premier Wichita, KS's Old News are set to release their "Hands Like Glaciers" EP on February 2nd. Hear the new single...

The Yacht Club - Broken Things
Exclusive Premier - London, England's "The Yacht Club" Premier their new album "The Last Words That You Said To Me Have Kept Me Here and...

Elephant Gym - Underwater
Elephant Gym - Underwater - Review & Stream

Southpaw Sonata - Strange Loop
New Music Video Premier! Austin, TX 4 piece band Southpaw Sonata premier their new song "Strange Loop" update: I only covered this band...

Tenchio - Bedroom Chaos of the Inner Noodle
New Album Premier! Solo Uruguayan Guitarist Manuel Tenchio Premiers His New Album "Bedroom Chaos of the Inner Noodle" An unknown...
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