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This genre-creating, hyper-pop debut album Gold Neckace is by the American progressive rock duo Gold Necklace that consists of musicians...

Let's Swim, Get Swimming - Copper Shops and Train Drivers - Interview
Brighton, England's premier two piece math rock duo Let's Swim Get Swimming have just released a new 2 song EP and it's FIRE! Track 1...

Allegheny Drive - Hippodrome
- New Single Premier - The intro of this song reminds me of one of my favorite bands; Postmadonna. Things quickly change direction and I...

At Best - Changing Shape
At Best are a trio of metal-heads gone indie. Formed in 2017 in South Jersey, the band features lead vocalist and guitarist Lennon...

Thank You Scientist - Terraformer
New Album Stream and Review Experimental 7-piece rock ensemble, Thank You Scientist, has just welcomed their third and latest studio...

Abelia - Photo Gallery - Dallas, TX June 4th
Abelia started the night out. They had a great set as well as a few jokes as always. During the set Cameron's snare busted, due to...

LITE - Multiple
Japan's LITE have just released a new album entitled "Multiple" Starting out with "Double" a start/stop motif ensues and I hear very...

The Planet You - Nomad
- New Song Premier - New Jersey's The Planet You are back on our radar with a brand new song at Champion Sessions studio which is a fresh...

Lost Minnow - Promise
Cristina Pena of the band Lost Minnow plays "Promise" Check out their music here: Cristina's...

Delta Sleep - Ghost City
Delta Sleep's new album "Ghost City" was released on August 10th, 2018. It's been a great two weeks since then. I was afraid to listen to...
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