- New EP Premier -
Covet has always been an important band for me because the guitarist Yvette Young is one of the two people who helped me get into math rock many years ago. Not only do I love all of Yvette's music and look up to her as a fellow musician but I consider her to be a good friend and am very inspired by her attitude and dedication to her craft. She is very inspirational to me all around.
This short EP was recorded at vudu studios and contains one brand new song entitled "Predawn."
"Predawn" starts out slowly with a three note guitar riff accompanied by a violin which adds a somber, almost sorrowful sense of forlornness to it.
The plateau of this song comes near the end at the 3 minute mark when all of the instruments meet at a high point together in volume and in pitch.
The apex quickly comes to a halt and digresses back into the simple beginning sequence bringing about resolution and closure.
This song promotes calmness, introspection and a sense of togetherness. It's warm inviting nature knows nothing of violence or hatred.
Next up is "Glimmer." This song is noodly as fuck. It brings about "grandparent's house" vibes in that the feelings of nostalgia are strong with this one. I smell corduroy and Benson & Hedges cigarettes when I listen to this song. Towards the end a piano line comes in and depicts Yvette frolicking back and forth along the keys going down the to the low end and back up to the high end, like going up and down a flight of stairs but skipping a couple steps in between.
The two older songs on this EP are a little slowed down for sure but "Shibuya" sounds like it's dragging a little bit, like it's struggling to keep up with itself, but it could just be me remembering the regular speed version in my head. Just as the original version is, this acoustic version of "Shibuya" is a tree with many leaves. Shortly before the half way mark, much like Edvard Grieg's "Peer Gynt - Morning Mood," I hear a blooming garden in a newly formed green universe teeming with life and new creations all around. This sentiment continues until the end as background vocals come in to visit bringing a sense of family. The violin on this song really brings a warm tone which is a great contrast to the first track "Predawn."
I give this EP by Covet a solid 5 out of 5 rating and highly recommend anyone who likes acoustic math rock or just chill music to listen to.
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Math rock