To whom it may concern:
My name is David Isaac
I'm also known as David Isick as a stage name, I have three published songs as a lyricist on Apple Music and other platforms. Like many of you I am a musician first, then a businessman.
The recent defamatory remarks coming from Mr Williams are troubling for a few reasons I will do my best to give a concise response here:
1. No artists I have ever worked with have ever accused me of stealing. While there may have been some disagreements years ago, almost all cases have been settled in some form or another. To alleviate any future concerns, in an industry usually dominated by hand-shake deals, I know how to draft and negotiate ironclad contracts. Mr. Williams is trying to lose business for me by making libelous claims, and if he succeeds in doing so based on bad faith allegations, I will indeed seek legal action. Since he is notoriously penniless, I have nothing to legally gain from him by seeking damages. How do I know he is penniless? I booked and managed his entire tour for free. He didn’t even bring merch for his tour. Many of his former bandmates have come out alleging how they were not paid by him or had some sort of financial disputes (and others). It’s also worth mentioning that his constant “I’m broke” argument was a method to get me to feel sorry for him. The bottom line: Mr Williams needs to provide proof that I have stolen from someone or better yet - that someone is alleging I have stolen from them. It’s not a matter I take lightly. None of the screenshots he shows reveal ANY allegations of theft.
2. While I have booked over 100 tours in my lifetime, I’m willing to admit not all of them have ended on the greatest terms. I’ve made human mistakes, but I’ve also been on the receiving end of some unwarranted abuse. Working with Mr. Williams was a negative experience for me to say the least. One thing I know I’ve never been accused of is: sexual assault and domestic violence. Mr. Williams chose to spend his time slandering me because I spoke out about the many individuals and instances where he acted inappropriately. Someone made a claim recently on a long Facebook thread from (his former bandmate) and I simply backed some of it up. To sum up this point, I want to quote the great Kendrick Lamar: “Don’t tell no lies about me, and I won’t tell truths about you”. Mr Williams is deliberately naming artists I have worked with - but also purposely misleading people to fit a narrative to besmirch my character. Mr. Williams was going to tour with Felix Martin, and truths came out about him and he lost his opportunity to tour. His tour spot was given to a more deserving artist if you ask me.
3. I would like to ask folks to do their research. CHON and I had some personality conflicts. Before I found out Mr Williams was an alleged serial sexual assaulter, I confided in him some of those disputes I had. Including a forwarded email. Mr Williams was briefed on the matter - and if they went to dinner with Mr Williams, what was the worst thing they could say about me? Mr Williams went on tour with me anyway, pro bono. I’ll admit I didn’t handle it the best way, but CHON had a notoriously insane tour manager who wanted to treat me like a pee-on instead of the executive that I was. Hopefully, when Mr Williams shares private correspondence, he’ll show my side of the story. Again, look at the timeline. Even though CHON and I had personal disputes stemming from their arrogant tour manager, they STILL asked me to bring Tricot to the US. Thats right. If you had the privilege of attending the Super CHON Bros tour, you had the privilege of witnessing the magic of Tricot because of my work - and it was mainly because the members of CHON asked me to - despite our issues with their tour manager in JP. So please focus on the timeline there.
Mr Williams isn’t mad about my business practices. He toured Japan and got to play alongside the likes of Ichika, Te’, and Paranoid Void (who of which has never accused me of any wrongdoing). I invested over $3,500 of my own money and failed to get any return on my investment. He also was booked on ArcTanGent Festival with my help. Mr Williams was also provided an opportunity to meet the honorable Tosin Abasi during the Japan run. I didn’t charge a dime for the underrepresented African American kid who plays math rock - you can see why I wanted to help. Yet he harmed his reputation by being unable to keep band members, canceling multiple tours, and getting into trouble in both violent and inappropriate sexual situations. I had no choice but to call it like I saw it. (By the way, I spent much of the Japan tour trying to convince his only band member to stay on board because working with Mr Williams was such a challenge)
What he is mad at is that I told the truth about him. I’ll accept those consequences. However, regrettably, other artists are getting their names dragged into this. Bringing The Fall of Troy for their first Japan tour was easily one of the greatest honors of my life. The tour was a success, not everything was perfect - but despite Mr. Williams revealing private correspondence between him and The Honorable Thomas Erak, I remain good friends with the legendary guitarist and look forward to booking his solo and side projects in the future, as it has been presented.
Let me acknowledge
For over a decade now, when artists like the Honorable Thomas Pridgen have needed a Japan tour. I’m the one he calls. When a band of any genre wants a Japan tour. They know who to call. When a promoter in the States wants a badass band I’ve scouted in Japan, they also know who to call. A little-known artist from Bakersfield asked me to book one of his first US tours back in 2013. His name is Andres, he’s now a pretty successful guy. I can’t wait to bring him to Japan one day. A Japanese rapper from Columbia Records asked my partner and me to help him get a visa in the US back in 2016. We got him a good lawyer, and I rounded up many of my trusted promoter friends to write letters of recommendation …That same Japanese rapper just had a song on the radio with Megan Thee Stallion. That’s right and I asked nothing from KOHH (AKA Yuki Chiba) in return. There are numerous examples of artists I put on over the years…Tricot’s first (and second) US tour, The Fall of Troy’s first Japan tour, and both of those bands’s solo projects..Elephant Gym, Polyphia, and CHON’s first SXSW run… I assure you the list is endless reaching all sorts of genres.
FYI I charge $100-$150 a day to tour and manage Japan tours, and I expect my meals and lodging to be covered.
I also arrange all gear, venue, and local support procurement at cost and for a nominal fee. I keep 0% of the door and 0% of artists' merch sales. You heard that right. See if I can steal that from you.
I constantly get inquiries of all genres, but to be honest I love the taste of math rock.
If you’re interested in touring Japan one day, my email is (Btw)
It may take a few days to reply since I’m about to go on another tour (that Mr Williams seems a little jelly about), so I ask for your patience.
The biggest reason I’ve been doing this for so long is because
1) I love the exchange of cultures and music. I’ll never get tired of it. Until that passion flames out, I’m in it until I die.
2) The Honorable team and network that surrounds me. The Honorable promoters in the States appreciate my work (many of whom do not work with Mr Williams). The music-loving scene in Japan gave me a chance to start my business here way back in 2012. Countless Hardworking musicians who are as hungry as I am for adventure. Let’s not forget my partner stateside like the Honorable Rob Mochen from Coda Fin Touring. Many of these entities I mentioned are what Mr Williams aims to disrupt.
3) My ability to look inward, grow, and learn from my mistakes - and also to deal with traumatic experiences like this one. This isn’t the first time a sociopath with nothing to lose has come after me.
I want to thank Mr Williams for compelling me to write this statement. Some of the air needed to be cleared up. He can continue to come after me, and I’ll continue to try to ignore it. He’s only damaging opportunities for us all, and I ask you to make up your own mind.
Meanwhile - I suggest Mr Williams keep his hands off of women both in violent and nonconsensual ways. Keep his hands off people like Kurt Travis, and get the help that he needs.
A special thanks to the Math Rock Times. Please follow them as I will be podcasting and going off on some of these topics- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
With Love,
David Isick
